Alabel National Science High School announces the list of examinees who are qualified to take the 2nd Phase of the AlSci Entrance Examinations for School Year 2016-2017. One hundred eighty aspirants made it to the 2nd phase. The 2nd Phase is scheduled on December 5, 2015, 8:00AM, at Alabel National Science High School. For inquiries, continue reading : Qualifiers to the 2nd Phase of the AlSci SY 2016-2017

The SY 2016-2017 AlSci Entrance Exam is Here!
It is only about a week from now before the first phase of the Alabel National Science High School Entrance Examination. Are you ready? Here are the important dates to remember: October 16, 2015 – Deadline of submission of Application Form October 24, 2015 – First Screening (Written Examination) Requirements for the Entrance Examination: (Admission Policy) Certification continue reading : The SY 2016-2017 AlSci Entrance Exam is Here!

ANSHS-RSHS XII Entrance Exam Result for SY 2015-2016 – Second Phase
We would like to congratulate the following pupils for making it to the Top 105 of the Second Phase of the Alabel National Science High School-Regional Science High School for Region XII Entrance Examination. Those whose names appear in the document below shall attend the INTERVIEW and CONFIRMATION on February 7, 2015, 8:00 AM at continue reading : ANSHS-RSHS XII Entrance Exam Result for SY 2015-2016 – Second Phase

AlSci Entrance Exam Result – First Phase
Finally, we are releasing the list of aspirants who made it to the Second Phase of the Alabel National Science High School Entrance Exam. A total of 183 pupils will be taking the Second Phase of the AlSci Exam on January 10, 2014. VIEW THE RESULTS The list is divided into two: (1) Sarangani continue reading : AlSci Entrance Exam Result – First Phase

It’s Entrance Exam Season at AlSci!
Alabel National Science High School has just slated its Entrance Examination for SY 2015-2016. Key Information Here are the important dates to remember: Deadline of Submission of Application Forms: October 24, 2014 Written Examination (First Phase): November 15, 2014. Are you qualified? Visit the Admission page for more information about the Entrance Examination continue reading : It’s Entrance Exam Season at AlSci!

AlSci co-presents PSYSC Summit 2014
Science Clubbers from all over Region XII will gather at Alabel National Science High School this weekend for the Summit of the Philippine Society of Youth Science Clubs (PSYSC). With the theme, “IMMUNATION: Arming Science Clubbers with Healthful Defenses Towards National Wellness,” the summit will feature talks and workshops in health sciences in additional to the annual continue reading : AlSci co-presents PSYSC Summit 2014

AlSci champs Division Integrated Competitions 2014
Alabel National Science High School brought home 30 gold, five silver, and two bronze medals from the Division Integrated Competitions held in Malapatan, Sarangani Province, August 27 and 28. Listed below are the winners in the different competitions: SCIENCE FAIR Life Science -Individual Ellaine Grace Plaga Life Science – Team Christine Gomez Gelyn Cadungog Catherine continue reading : AlSci champs Division Integrated Competitions 2014

AlSci goes Google
THE FACULTY and staff of Alabel National Science High School embraced educational technology as they learn Google Applications this afternoon. The Google Apps Workshop was organized by Google Educator Group (GEG) Sarangani in partnership with the AlSci Faculty Club as part of the school’s Faculty and Staff Development Program. Teachers now have their own work continue reading : AlSci goes Google

AlSci celebrates Career Guidance Week
With the theme, “Follow the Guide, Tag a Career, and Like a Future,” Alabel National Science High School celebrates Career Guidance Week. The campus has been filled with students dressed in their career attire. There are doctors, engineers, teachers, policemen, journalists, and computer programmers, among others. Aside from dressing up as professionals, the school guidance continue reading : AlSci celebrates Career Guidance Week

AlSci wins 2nd Place in Dolefil School’s July Footloose
STRUTTING THEIR stuff at Veranza Mall, General Santos City, Alabel National Science High School’s dance troupe placed second in the July Footloose Dance Competition organized by Dole Philippines School in celebration of their 50th Anniversary. The atrium of Veranza mall was filled with cheers and applause of supporters of the different schools that participated continue reading : AlSci wins 2nd Place in Dolefil School’s July Footloose

Amistoso graces AlSci 18th Anniversary
Alabel National Science High School, the Regional Science High School for Region XII celebrates its 18th Foundation Anniversary today. Former Regional Supervisor Nenette D. Amistoso, who wrote the feasibility study leading to passage of RA 8078, creating Alabel National Science High School, once again graced the celebration. Amistoso narrated the beginnings of the school, highlighting continue reading : Amistoso graces AlSci 18th Anniversary

Spiritual Development Program launched
SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT has been given importance at AlSci today with the conduct of worship service and meeting of each religious group. School Principal Norma P. Rendon announced that every first Friday afternoon of each month will be set for spiritual development beginning today, June 6. Ms. Jasmin Angie took the opportunity to ask the gather continue reading : Spiritual Development Program launched