Alabel National Science High School, the Regional Science High School for Region XII proudly announces the examinees who passed the rigorous two-phase RSHS XII Assessment Examination 2020. We would also like to congratulate the TOP 10 QUALIFIERS of RAE 2020: NO. LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE SCHOOL 1 Dela Calzada Farrah Elysha Jen Macoy Dadiangas continue reading : List of Qualifiers for Grade 7 SY 2020-2021 released

RAE 2020 UPDATE: Result of the First Phase Examination
We are now announcing the list of qualifiers for the SECOND PHASE of the RAE 2020 (RSHS XII Admission Exam 2020). The examinees whose names appear in the table below are QUALIFIED to take the SECOND PHASE of the examination on December 7, 2019, 8:00AM, at the Alabel National Science High School. Number of qualifiers: continue reading : RAE 2020 UPDATE: Result of the First Phase Examination

ANSHS-RSHSXII announces Admission Exam Schedule for SY 2020-2021
Alabel National Science High School, the Regional Science High School for Region XII announces the schedule of the RSHS XII Admission Exam SY 2020-2021 (RAE 2020) for incoming Grade 7 learners. The RAE 2020 is composed of a series of examinations: 1st Phase Written Exam for all applicants scheduled on November 9, 2019 November 16, continue reading : ANSHS-RSHSXII announces Admission Exam Schedule for SY 2020-2021

Result of 2nd Phase AlSci Entrance Exam
We are glad to announce the result of the Second Phase of the Alabel National Science High School Entrance Examination held on December 8, 2019. A total of 137 examinees made it to the final phase, which is the Interview Phase to be held on January 19, 2018, 8:00AM at the ANSHS Campus. Link to continue reading : Result of 2nd Phase AlSci Entrance Exam

AlSci Entrance Exam Results SY 2019-2020
We are happy to announce the result of the AlSci Entrance Exam for SY 2019-2020. ? The result can be found on this link: 2019 AlSci Entrance Exam Result Passers shall take the second phase of the exam on December 8, 2018, 8:00AM, at the Alabel National Science High School campus.

AlSci Entrance Exam for SY 2019-2020 now open for Application
Alabel National Science High School, the Regional Science High School for Region XII once again opens its doors to incoming Grade 7 learners who are science inclined and have the necessary qualifications to enroll in a special science curriculum. Who may apply? Grade 6 learners who: belong to the upper 10% of graduating class SY continue reading : AlSci Entrance Exam for SY 2019-2020 now open for Application

AlSci Entrance Exam 2018: List of Qualifiers for Interview
THE RESULT of the 2nd Phase of the 2018 Alabel National Science High School Entrance Examination is now out! Congratulations to the 126 examinees who are qualified for the Interview Phase and Confirmation of Enrolment on January 20, 2018, 8:00 AM, at the Alabel National Science High School campus. Failure to attend the interview would mean continue reading : AlSci Entrance Exam 2018: List of Qualifiers for Interview

Result of Phase 1 AlSci Entrance Exam for SY 2018-2019 now out
Congratulations to the incoming Grade 7 students who made it to the Second Phase of the Alabel National Science High School Entrance Examination for School year 2018-2019! Two hundred and twenty two (222) examinees are qualified to take the second phase of the examination. Here are the top examinees during the first phase: The continue reading : Result of Phase 1 AlSci Entrance Exam for SY 2018-2019 now out

AlSci bags best Brigada Eskwela Implementer award
With an overall rating of 95% Alabel National Science High School topped the Brigada Eskwela 2017 Best Implementing schools, medium category. The search for the best Brigada Eskwela implementer is held to encourage schools to strengthen their implementation of the Brigada Eskwela (National Schools Maintenance Week) by involving the community as partners in preparing the continue reading : AlSci bags best Brigada Eskwela Implementer award

Result of AlSci 2nd Phase Entrance Exam SY 2017-2018 now out
The long wait is over! Congratulations to the successful qualifiers of the Alabel National Science High School Entrance Examination for incoming Grade 7 for School Year 2017-2018! Here is the Top 50 qualifiers: No. NAME SCHOOL 1 EUGENIO, LEONARDO FLORENZ S. NDDU-IBED (LAGAO) 2 MIRABUENO, CARL FRANCIS D. GENERAL SANTOS HOPE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL 3 MIRABUENO, continue reading : Result of AlSci 2nd Phase Entrance Exam SY 2017-2018 now out

ALSCI Entrance Exam Result SY 2017-2018
Congratulations to the 290 pupils who successfully passed the First Phase of the Alabel National Science High School Entrance Examination for School Year 2017-2018. Here are the Top 50 Examinees: No. NAME SCHOOL 1 EUGENIO, LEONARDO FLORENZ S. NDDU-IBED (LAGAO) 2 MIRABUENO, JUDE VINCENT D. GENERAL SANTOS HOPE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL 3 MIRABUENO, CARL FRANCIS D. continue reading : ALSCI Entrance Exam Result SY 2017-2018

AlSci Entrance Exam for SY 2016-2017 2nd Phase Results
We are announcing the qualified entrants for SY 2016-2017! Congratulations to all the pupils who made the cut, welcome to Alabel National Science High School, the Regional Science High School for Region XII! Please note, however, that it is REQUIRED that you make an appearance with your PARENT/GUARDIAN on JANUARY 16, 2016, at 8:00 AM continue reading : AlSci Entrance Exam for SY 2016-2017 2nd Phase Results