WITH A walking cane, DepEd Sec. Armin A. Luistro, FSC still managed to join DepEd Region XII’s 4th Research cum School-Based Management Congress and Communication Festival, February 10 at The Farm, Koronadal City.
An accident did not stop the Secretary to attend the affair, which was attended by administrators, teachers, and stakeholders from the nine divisions of Region XII.
In his speech, Luistro mocked how DepEd initiated various programs that did not translate into transformation in the classroom.
He appreciated the region’s effort to feature action researches made by teachers and administrators.
“Decisions must be made based on evidence,” Luistro said.
“Researchers should be about improving learning in the classroom,” he added.
The Research Congress involves oral and poster presentations from teachers, school heads, and administrators.
In the teachers category, Ariel C. Lalisan won first runner up with his action research on online assessment.
In the supervisors category, Johnny Bantulo of Southwest Alabel District was declared champion.
The school heads and supervisors also competed in various skills such as impromptu speaking, storytelling, humorous speech, business letter writing, memorandum writing, and announcement writing, among others.
“Education is about communication. As teachers and administrators, we must possess the best communication skills,” Regional Director Allan G. Farnazo said, justifying the need for conducting communication festival.
Meanwhile, at the DepEd Regional Office, each division showcased their best practices in School Based Management, where stakeholders — students, PTA officials, and School Governing Councils — learned from one another.